Sprint CV and Europass: a benchmarking test

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General

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Are you on the job hunt and unsure where to begin? Every step can seem daunting, leading to procrastination and fear. Having too much information can be counterproductive, making it difficult to establish a clear path to a new job with so many solutions and pieces of advice available. Today, we will focus on clearly establishing the first step of the process: creating your CV. We’ll compare two market solutions: our own product, Sprint CV, and Europass, one of the most famous CV generators of the past decade. Let’s benchmark them and provide you with a solid first step towards a job!

1 – Common points

Sprint CV and Europass are two CV management platforms that enable users to import existing CVs and create new ones. Both platforms offer distinct tools and various levels of customization to achieve this. They are both designed to provide job seekers with ready-to-use CVs that can be immediately used to apply for jobs. In this regard, both solutions are effective and useful. However, keep in mind that ours is also aimed at providing solutions to companies and HR departments, which need a wider array of tools to deal with different aspects of the recruitment process. We won’t compare those features here since Europass is a product that isn’t designed for that, but remember that Sprint CV is more than a simple CV generator.

2 – Sprint CV and Europass import feature

So, you have an old CV created years ago using Microsoft Word, with a random format and colors that were trending at the time. Now, you want to import this preexisting CV into a platform to update it with your recent job experience and edit it with a new template suited for the industry you aim to work in. Here’s where the first difference between Sprint CV and Europass becomes evident.

Our platform allows you to import your CV in various file formats and templates. In contrast, Europass only permits uploads in the Europass format. With Europass, you’ll have to create a new CV from scratch if you have an existing one. Sprint CV’s advanced parsing capabilities allow you to bypass that step, and to save significant effort by allowing imports in a wide variety of formats, making your CV update process faster.

For some people, this won’t be a problem since they will only want to be in the Europass ecosystem and only use Europass CVs. In that case, Europass is a good solution that simplifies their process.

Sprint CV and Europass: an image with the import window of Sprint CV.

3 – AI Assistant

Another feature that gives Sprint CV a significant edge over Europass is the AI Assistant. This cutting-edge tool allows you to generate all sections of your CV using either predefined or custom prompts. Once you’ve imported your CV, you can effortlessly fill entire sections with new information or rewrite existing ones. This feature is incredibly handy and can save you a considerable amount of time and effort. Remember, procrastination often stems from feeling overwhelmed by a task, and our AI Assistant is here to prevent that.

In contrast, Europass lacks a similar feature, requiring you to manually type in all your new experiences. However, with recent advances in artificial intelligence and its implementation in daily life, it is possible that Europass will offer a feature like this in the future.


Sprint CV Ai Assistant prompt.

4 – Sprint CV vs Europass Templates

You’ve uploaded your CV and inserted all the relevant information. Now, it’s time to export it!

On the Europass website, you can choose from four templates, all adhering to their brand. These templates are well-designed, and are updated regularly. One interesting feature of Europass that Sprint CV lacks is the ability to change the color palette of the template. From a visual or graphic perspective, some users may find that very useful. On the other hand, you might want more versatility, as many job offers require specific CV formats. At Sprint CV, we offer dozens of templates: general templates that provide versatility and custom templates tailored for specific job markets or companies. With this feature, you can be confident that you have a solution for any CV formatting requirement a job may demand.

Moreover, we always include all the Europass templates, up to date, in our template list. However, it should be noted that they are not as customizable, for instance, in regards to their color palette.

An image with different Europass CV's generated with Sprint CV.

5 – Language Capabilities

In today’s global job market, with increasing mobility across countries, the ability to translate and apply for jobs in different languages is crucial. Perhaps you’ve left your previous job to move to a country with better weather. Maybe you want to work in a different cultural environment, or engage in volunteer work.

While Europass is tailored to the European market, it doesn’t offer the option to translate CVs or profiles. It should be said, however, that it does support all the European Union countries languages. At Sprint CV, our AI enables you to translate your entire profile and generate all templates in the chosen language.

Sprint CV and Europass: an image with Sprint CV translation box.


Sprint CV and Europass are solid options for someone who wants to create a CV. Europass is a straightforward solution with a good reputation among users. Recruiters and companies are very familiar with the Europass format as well, which can be a plus. Furthermore, it offers the nice touch of customizable colors on their templates. However, Sprint CV offers many more features that can help users with tasks that may seem repetitive or boring and can lead to procrastination: the AI Assistant and the translation options save a lot of time and effort and give very good results. Even more, the wide variety of templates gives our platform versatility when it comes to the different CV formats that companies may ask for in different fields

We conclude this benchmark by reiterating the importance of continuous evolution. At Sprint CV, our goal is to simplify the job-seeking process, allowing users to focus on other critical aspects like networking. We believe the features listed above distinguish us from traditional CV generators like Europass, positioning Sprint CV as a state-of-the-art solution that continuously adapts to the ever-changing market demands.

If you have a doubt, feel free to contact our founder Marco Pincho directly on LinkedIn.

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