How to win more bids and tenders with less effort

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Recruitment

Let’s be real – you are tired of spending hours formatting CVs for proposal submissions. The endless manual work is preventing your team from bidding on more opportunities. If only there were an automated way to do all this… Ok, there is! In this blog post, we explain how Sprint CV is the solution you’ve been searching for. It’s time to supercharge your strategy, win more bids and tenders, and crush your competition. Our CV …

An image with the text "Decoding the Recruiters Algorithm: secure your spot at pole position", with a formula 1 car and the race winner on the background, featuring the Sprint CV logo at the bottom.

Recruiters Algorithm: Decode it and Secure Pole Position

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Consultant, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

Candidates often perceive recruiters as enigmatic figures due to their actions during the recruitment process. However, recruiters typically have clear and logical reasons for their decisions. Unfortunately, candidates may not fully grasp these reasons, leading to missed opportunities for leveraging them to their advantage.In this blog post, we’ll delve into the role of recruiters in the recruitment process, and offer actionable advice on how to increase candidates chances of qualifying first on the job market. …

An Image with the text "Self-Confidence vs Humbleness", with a recruiter and a candidate interacting in a job interview, generated by Artificial Intelligence.

Self-Confidence in Job Interviews: Grabbing More Opportunities

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

Seeing yourself as the perfect fit for a role is key to secure jobs in the job market. Far too often, candidates miss out on valuable opportunities simply because they fail to showcase their skills and experiences in a compelling manner during job interviews, being too much humble instead.  When stepping into a job interview, your primary goal is clear: convince the hiring manager and potential team members that you are the ideal candidate for …

Rethinking remote work: Why chasing fully remote jobs could cost you opportunities

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!IT Consultant, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

The quest for the perfect job has become a common refrain. Candidates are in the pursuit of well-paid fully remote jobs – which seem like unicorn-like opportunities. However, this lack of flexibility has shown some advantages. In this blog post, our founder, Marco Pincho, gives his perspective on today’s job market and how you could benefit from a change in perspective. The post-pandemic era As the post-pandemic area unfolds, the landscape has changed. The truth …

A text with the phrase "empowering recruiters" on a blue background, where recruiters are interacting.

Empowering Recruiters for Organizational Excellence

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Management Solution, General, IT Recruitment

Recruiters and HR professionals are the unsung heroes in the complex journey of a company’s growth. They are the gatekeepers who handpick the individuals that will contribute to the company’s success and shape its culture. However, their potential impact is frequently constrained by a barrage of administrative responsibilities, leaving little room for the transformative work they are capable of. Empowering recruiters means unleashing all their capabilities and potential. What are some ways to view them …

CV Review and Selection - Sprint CV

CV Review and Selection: Best Practices for IT Recruitment Teams

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Management Solution, IT Recruitment

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the success of an organization is closely tied to its ability to attract and retain top-notch IT talent. As the demand for skilled IT professionals continues to soar, recruitment teams play a pivotal role in identifying the right candidates who can drive innovation and contribute to the company’s growth. One of the fundamental challenges that IT recruitment teams face is the daunting task of CV review and selection. In …

The power of automation: Generate any European Commission CV template in seconds

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Generator, CV Management Solution, IT Recruitment

When it comes to securing contracts with the European Commission, adhering to the specific CV templates and requirements is crucial to surviving this highly competitive environment. However, manually adjusting and formatting CVs for each contract is time-consuming and challenging. Also, it seems like something from the past, right? In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of automation and how to streamline the CV submission process for European Commission contracts. Then, you will be able …

DIMOS VI framework contract

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Template, IT Recruitment

On September 23rd, 2022, the European Parliament’s European Commission, Directorate-General for Budget (BUDG), BUDG.R.3 – IT Systems, Tools and Infrastructure launched the DIMOS VI, inviting all market participants to bid on this new framework contract. In this article, we show in detail the framework contract, the lots, the winners, and, above all, how you can generate this CV template automatically. The DIMOS VI framework contract DIMOS VI is the European Commission / DG BUGT 700 …

Efficient IT Recruitment: generate CVs in seconds

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Generator, CV Management Solution, General, IT Recruitment

As a recruiter, we bet you are always looking for new ways to improve your efficiency and optimize your recruitment processes. With the ever-increasing demand for speed and accuracy,  finding tools that help you with the CV preparation and management process is crucial. This is where Sprint CV comes into the picture – now your CVs can be prepared in a matter of seconds. How? Well, let us explain why you should schedule a free …

How to Get a Job at the European Commission.

How to get a job at the European Commission

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Recruitment

Working at the European Commission (EC) is a dream for many tech professionals. After all, it’s one of the most prestigious institutions worldwide. For this reason, being hired can be a challenging process. In this blog post, we explore how to get a job at the EC, the different types of employment, and the benefits of being part of this institution. The European Union world The EC is the executive branch of the European Union …