An image with the text "Decoding the Recruiters Algorithm: secure your spot at pole position", with a formula 1 car and the race winner on the background, featuring the Sprint CV logo at the bottom.

Recruiters Algorithm: Decode it and Secure Pole Position

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Consultant, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

Candidates often perceive recruiters as enigmatic figures due to their actions during the recruitment process. However, recruiters typically have clear and logical reasons for their decisions. Unfortunately, candidates may not fully grasp these reasons, leading to missed opportunities for leveraging them to their advantage.In this blog post, we’ll delve into the role of recruiters in the recruitment process, and offer actionable advice on how to increase candidates chances of qualifying first on the job market. …

An Image with the text "Self-Confidence vs Humbleness", with a recruiter and a candidate interacting in a job interview, generated by Artificial Intelligence.

Self-Confidence in Job Interviews: Grabbing More Opportunities

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

Seeing yourself as the perfect fit for a role is key to secure jobs in the job market. Far too often, candidates miss out on valuable opportunities simply because they fail to showcase their skills and experiences in a compelling manner during job interviews, being too much humble instead.  When stepping into a job interview, your primary goal is clear: convince the hiring manager and potential team members that you are the ideal candidate for …

The text Boost your CV over a blue background with tech icons and the logo of Sprint CV

Boost your CV: 5 Essential Tips to Land your Dream Job

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Generator, General, IT Consultant, IT Jobs

In job hunting, your CV is your first impression. It can either open doors or close them. Many promising candidates miss out on their dream jobs because their CV’s are not optimized for the specific job they are applying to. If you don’t want to be one of them, keep reading and find out 5 essential tips to boost your CV and help you stand out. Boost your CV through a Clear Storyline Your CV …

Rethinking remote work: Why chasing fully remote jobs could cost you opportunities

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!IT Consultant, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

The quest for the perfect job has become a common refrain. Candidates are in the pursuit of well-paid fully remote jobs – which seem like unicorn-like opportunities. However, this lack of flexibility has shown some advantages. In this blog post, our founder, Marco Pincho, gives his perspective on today’s job market and how you could benefit from a change in perspective. The post-pandemic era As the post-pandemic area unfolds, the landscape has changed. The truth …

Ready to connect with the right opportunities? This is your gateway to European Institutions

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!IT Consultant, IT Jobs

Amidst global uncertainties, the IT job market is witnessing substantial changes, and many companies are downsizing their workforce. Layoffs have become an endemic concern, raising questions about job security for consultants. However, amidst this turbulence, a haven of stability emerges in the heart of Belgium – the European Institutions. And, at Sprint CV, we know exactly how to connect you with the right opportunities. Have you ever imagined developing apps that enhance connectivity throughout Europe …

ITS20: European Parliament framework contract

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On March 20th, 2021, European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support (ITEC) launched the PE/ITEC-ITS20 (ITS20), inviting all market participants to bid on this new framework contract. In this article, you can explore this framework contract, which profiles will be hired, and, above all, how you can generate this CV template automatically. The ITS20 framework contract ITS20 is the European Parliament’s 400 million Euro contract for IT services across Europe, awarded on January 11th, …

Java opportunities for IT consultants. IT Jobs for IT professional - Sprint CV

Java Developers: job opportunities up to 11.000€/month

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

The pandemic was, by far, the biggest event of 2020 and is still having undeniable effects. It had, of course, a huge impact on all industries, including tech. As a result, many professionals are out in the market looking for a new opportunity. Luckily, some entities like the European Commission are still hiring and looking especially for Java Developers. Are you one of the lucky ones? The European Commission – a solid workplace for IT …

This CV template will get you the right IT job!

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Generator, CV Template, IT Jobs

Having a professional and clean looking CV is the first step to achieve your professional goals. The easier you make the recruiters’ job, the more chances you have to be noticed and get your foot in the recruitment process. Taking this into account, we have decided to re-brand one of your customized CV templates. It can now be generated for free, in just a matter of seconds, to help you get the right IT job! …

Get Hired Fast on the IT Industry - 10 essential tips

10 Tips to Get Hired Fast in the IT Industry

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The IT industry today isn’t the same as it was a decade back. We have seen major disruptions over the last decade in terms of technology that has left the majority of the traditional roles redundant. Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, IoT have changed the landscape. Gone are the days when IT firms would handout job offers in bulk. Most companies these days are hiring people for skill-specific roles. People with several years of experience have …

Find a leader that empowers you

5 reasons why you should find a leader that empowers you

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Jobs, IT Recruitment

    Marco Pincho | Founder of Sprint CV   Ever since I’ve started my career in tech, I’ve had the pleasure to work with incredible professionals, and some of them became my friends and mentors over the years. I’ve discovered, at an early stage, the importance of having great people working alongside me, especially when it comes to managers, to boost my career. So, this is one of my biggest career advice: find a …