Get Hired Fast on the IT Industry - 10 essential tips

10 Tips to Get Hired Fast in the IT Industry

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The IT industry today isn’t the same as it was a decade back. We have seen major disruptions over the last decade in terms of technology that has left the majority of the traditional roles redundant. Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, IoT have changed the landscape. Gone are the days when IT firms would handout job offers in bulk. Most companies these days are hiring people for skill-specific roles. People with several years of experience have been forced to reskill themselves, those that haven’t have fallen through the gaps. In such a disruptive phase how do you get hired fast in this industry? Today we dare sharing 10 tips to get hired that’ll help you improve your odds of success and expedite your hiring.

Our 10 tips to get hired fast:

  1. Skill Up – The IT industry as we have said is going through a major disruption. Traditional skills aren’t in high demand anymore. This is where you need to add new skills based on your domain experience and intended job roles. There are several short term courses and programs and you can skill up taking those programs and improving your chances of finding a great job with a good salary. 
  2. Apply for The Right Job – It takes months for some IT professionals to get hired and applying for the wrong jobs is often the contributing reason. If your skills and experiences don’t match the requirement, don’t waste your time applying for those jobs. Employers aren’t likely to even respond. You should focus on jobs that match 80% your skills as this improves your odds of getting hired. Also bear in mind, that many companies create job descriptions that are wishlists, don’t be afraid to apply if you think that you have a chance. 
  3. Prepare A Rockstar CV – It isn’t just your skills and experience that will fetch you your dream job; it is how you present it in front of your prospective employer. You need a CV that helps you stand apart from the dozens of CVs that your prospective employer would receive. Have you already check out our newest Sprint CV template? 
  4. Soft Skills are Important – Soft skills such as communication skills are important in today’s IT jobs. You can be the best developer or coder but if you can’t communicate, it can serve as a major handicap. Improve your communication skills along with other soft skills. If you possess good soft skills to highlight them in your CV. 
  5. Highlight What Matters – You may have changed several jobs in the past and acquired several skills. Don’t get into the details of everything in your CV. CVs that are too long tend to turn off the recruiters. Highlight skills and experience that are relevant to the job and nothing more. If some technologies you have learnt are no longer used in the industry your expertise in those won’t matter to the employer. If your interviewer needs to know more they will simply ask you those questions. 
  6. Don’t Forget Your LinkedIn Profile – Employers carry out background checks on candidates before calling them for interviews. LinkedIn is the go-to places for such checks. Make sure you have a killer LinkedIn profile complete with the description of job role, experience, certification courses etc. In fact, your LinkedIn profile can be turned into a Europass CV in quick time. 
  7. Don’t Stop Applying – Don’t wait to hear about the results of your interview or when an employer has shown interest in your job application. You can waste weeks in between and this delays your hiring prospects. Don’t shy away from appearing for multiple interviews in a quick span of time. Remember, a bad interview experience also helps you prepare for the next one in a better way. 
  8. Prepare for those tricky questions – What are your salary expectations? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What value do you bring to our organization? These are some of the questions that are always asked in IT interviews and you need to prepare for those. 
  9. Be Honest and Be Yourself – Trying to fake a smile or sounding politically correct isn’t likely to get you the job. The person interviewing you sees dozens to hundreds of candidates every year and in most cases, you can’t fool them. Saying things which you don’t believe in can mislead the employer as your mask is likely to fall apart sometime during the interview. 
  10. Ask Relevant Questions – Last but not the least when given an opportunity to ask a question (interviewers usually offer that opportunity) don’t shy asking relevant questions about your role in the organization (if hired), the growth prospects offered by the organization and overall vision of the organization. Please remember it isn’t only about getting a job, it is about being part of the right culture. 


To conclude, these 10 tips to get hired would definitely help you find the IT job you are looking for in your career and find it fast. Remember the industry is undergoing major disruption and you need to be fully committed and motivated to edge out the competition. 

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