How to find an IT job with visa sponsorship

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Working abroad can be an opportunity of a lifetime for many. Besides the opportunity to work at well-known companies, the living conditions make it desirable to build a career abroad. Knowing that many countries face tech talent shortages, organisations keep looking beyond borders to find the professionals they need. We have curated a list of great websites that will help you find an IT job with visa sponsorship.

All over the world


LinkedIn is always a great source to get to know job openings and even if you are looking for a Visa sponsorship. You directly search for the keywords ‘visa sponsorship’ and on the location section, try a country you would like to work in.


Relocate makes job relocation easy. You can explore countries and find tech jobs with verified relocation packages – which is a great help! Curious about how much you can make internationally? Check out their Net pay calculators.


Indeed allows you to search by the visa sponsorship category then just select where. You directly search for the keywords ‘visa sponsorship’ and select where you wish to work in.

Around Europe is a candidate-driven tech careers marketplace, where you can easily create your professional profiles and land some great opportunities around Europe.

Stack Overflow

Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow’s public platform is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers. They also provide Hiring, recruiting, and employer branding solutions for technology teams.

Work in Canada

Global Skills

Canada is facing a shortage of highly-skilled and experienced technical talent. Global Skills helps Canadian companies and top quality technical talent from around the world to connect and work together.

Specific per country

Berlin Startup Jobs

If you want to join a startup in Berlin, this is where you need to go. Berlin Startup Jobs is the leading platform for inspiring jobs in the German capital that has connected over 1.000 companies with millions of professionals from all over the world.

Startup Estonia

If Estonia is your dream destination, Startup Estonia is the place to go if you want to join this lively startup community.  This governmental initiative aims to supercharge the Estonian startup ecosystem in order to be the birthplace of many more startup success stories to come. If you are not yet convinced, check the section “Why Estonia?”.

It may also be useful to you to check the list of the 341 Estonian startups that can currently bring on employees from non-EU countries on preferential terms and without having to go through the Startup Committee application.

Expat Jobs

Have you ever thought about the Netherlands? Expat Jobs specializes in jobs in the Netherlands for English speakers and multilingual vacancies. You can apply for all our listed jobs for free, set up job email alerts, or alternatively upload your CV and allow our head-hunters and recruitment agents to find your next job for you.

Specific companies sponsoring visas

During our research, some companies have shared with us that they are visa sponsorship friendly. Such as:

  • Bond Mobility – Based in Zurich, E-Bike on Demand;
  • Motefee – Based in London, offers a global Print on Demand Platform for E-Commerce;
  • – Mercedes software development department

If you know more specific companies that offer IT jobs with visa sponsorship, please share it with us.

The EU Blue Card – the extra benefit you were looking for

If you are a non-EU citizen, have a degree or professional experience, and an employment contract or binding employment offer, you can apply for a Blue Card. Designed to make Europe more attractive to professional outside the European Union, the EU Blue Card will allow you, for example:

  • To have working and salary conditions equal to nationals
  • Free movement within the Schengen area
  • Entitlement to various socio-economic rights (e.g. unemployment benefits)
  • Favorable conditions for family reunification
  • Permanent residence perspective
  • Freedom of association

Check here all the benefits and how to apply to the EU Blue Card.

Bonus tip – Make sure your CV will make you shine

When you read that the CV template can make all the difference, you should believe it. Having the right CV template is something that might take you some time, but in the end, might get you the job. Why?  Every market is different from each other, so what works in your home country, may not work in the country that you are applying to. At the same time, corporate companies and startups also require different levels of information. So why not give it a try and learn what CV template is the right one for the job you’re applying to?

By default, in Europe, if you use a Europass CV template, you will be ok, it’s like wearing a white shirt and a blazer at an interview. But if you put a little bit more effort into it, you might easily understand what exactly the company is looking for. Do you have to make a new template every time you apply for a job? No. At Sprint CV, you can convert your LinkedIn or CV to one of the many available templates in a matter of seconds. Want to give it a try?

Sprint CV – Your ally to get you the right IT job

Sprint CV the CV generator that automates the CV generation in the IT IndustryApplying to a job opening starts with your CV. At Sprint CV, we help consultants automating their CV to make it easier to find the right job. When you create your profile on our platform, you can generate your CV in any available template in seconds. More than that, you can update it automatically along the time!

We also want to be on your side when you decide to go all-in for a new challenge. We are also here to provide you with free guidance on the next steps of your career such as:

Feel free to reach out to our founder on Linkedin or via Email if you want more help on how to find an IT job with visa sponsorship

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