European Commission is hiring

European Commission is looking for Java Developers!

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General, IT Recruitment

Coronavirus has changed the job market around the world. With most businesses forced into work-from-home environments, and, unfortunately, downsizing or shutting down their operations was inevitable for many. In the tech industry, a considerable amount of professionals were unexpectedly affected by the pandemic, throwing fantastic talent to the market. Nevertheless, some entities like the European Commission are still hiring and looking especially for Java developers. Are we getting your interest? Pandemic – the turning point …

List of top mistakes to avoid when writing an IT CV - Sprint CV

7 mistakes to avoid when writing your CV

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!CV Generator, CV Template

Have you mastered the art of building a great CV? We bet you have some doubts. Luckily, we are here to clear them for you. These are our top 7 mistakes to avoid when writing your CV. 1. Too many (and unnecessary) personal details The golden rule is to show only what’s necessary. All that information that can be used as discrimination, such as nationality, religion, and age, can – and should – be hidden. …

IT Job description: a wishlist, not a checklist

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!General

Let’s not fool ourselves: job searching is a tiring process and can be frustrating when there are no answers from recruiters. More than that, it’s even more frustrating to look at the IT job description and to see they want a god-like professional – it seems that nothing fits you! So, are you the kind that quits when you don’t check all ticks in the box? We are here to remind you what IT job …

European Commission needs IT professionals like you

European Commission needs IT professionals like YOU!

Sprint CV - CVs done right, right away!IT Jobs

European Commission (EC) is one of the most prestigious institutions worldwide. Due to its dimension, there is a huge demand for IT professionals – about 20 new requests per week with daily rates up to 530€/day – which means 10.600€/month! Good enough to keep you reading? 🙂 How is the European Commission reacting to the pandemic challenges? When we think about big institutions, we tend to think of a lack of dynamism and openness to …